A Cherry Blossom Bud

Taken two weekends ago in the Changgyeong Palace in Seoul. They are cherry blossoms that are so close to blooming. It was kind of difficult to focus on the three buds in the front at the same time, but I like the picture anyways. That weekend was the famous Cherry Blossom Festival in Seoul. We decided to pull a fast one and avoid the massive crowds by coming here instead. I am told that there are many species of cherry blossoms. Does anyone know where I can find this information?

Episode #2 Update: No progress as I still don’t know the species name.
If you want to see more nature photos, go here.

Julio Moreno
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4 thoughts on “Nature Photo of the Week: Episode #3 – The Shy Cherry Blossom

  • April 27, 2013 at 2:13 am

    Gorgeous!! I love cherry blossom season — my Instagram, etc feeds fill up with photos from all over the world. I hope you enjoyed Seoul!

    • April 27, 2013 at 12:46 pm

      I love cherry blossoms, but unfortunately, this year it rained during most cherry blossom festivals! I live walking distance from where this picture was taken so a lot of my neighborhood had some great blossoms :). Thanks for your comment.

  • January 25, 2014 at 7:12 am

    Hi.. Thanks for the post. I’m sorry I don’t know what kind of cherry tree it is. I found your blog during a “Changgyeonggung” search. I am researching this palace in grad school. Would you be willing to take a survey about your visit?


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