I thought about ranting about why some blogs are absolute crap, but I am starting to get a lot more negative than I should be. Instead, let me introduce you guys to some blogs that are actually doing something right. From the useful, to the funny, and to the unconventional, here are my favorites.
So you’ve visited Seoul and love it with all of its palaces, shopping districts, and nightlife, but now… you’re looking for something new. You grow weary of this Seoul-centric Korea and want to see what else is out there. Well, I’m here to tell you that the rest of the country does not disappoint. Here is your countdown to the 40 best things to do OUTSIDE of Seoul (2017 Edition).
Note – A couple of places overlap with the list of Top 80 Things to do in Seoul. This was done on purpose for two reasons. First, many of these lie in the greater Seoul metro network, making a separation impractical for a guide. Secondly, it is a good benchmark for you to compare how these places stack up to places in Seoul!
Hello everyone. I have been taking a lax approach to this blog, but I’d rather post nothing than post crap, so I hope you forgive me.
This list is something I have thought a lot about to myself, but didn’t realize how useful it would be to let people know how some every day skills and hobbies could seriously aid you with your travels.
First thing is first, a lot of these are from an economic point of view because let’s face it, if you gotz da cheese, you ain’t need no skillz :).
Anyways, here they go!
7) Vehicle Mechanics
You don’t have to be a pit stop guy either.
When I was little, my dad always wanted me to help him in his attempts to fix the car. He wasn’t particularly good, I think we were just too poor to afford a proper mechanic for basic service. I am also aware that the previous sentence was a comma splice. These days, I wish I hadn’t been to whiny and paid attention. While I can change a tire, jump start a car, and check fluids, my skills kind of tapper off beyond that. If you are good at fixing cars and motorcycles, epic trips like the “Mongol Rally” become far less scary. Read more →
The last list of amazing places you can’t visit has thus far been my most successful list, so why not make another?! As the world develops and gets smaller every day, the places you CAN’T visit are actually becoming few and far between. Nevertheless, there are some more incredibly difficult or near impossible places you’d love to visit, but simply can’t. Let’s get started shall we?
5) Saint Helena
The name might ring a bell, but high school history was so long ago, you probably forgot. St. Helena is an island (as many on this list are) between Brazil and Africa in the South Atlantic Ocean. As one of the most remote places on earth, it was where Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to spend the rest of his days after nearly conquering the whole of Europe. It has been UK territory for centuries and is said to be one of the most pristine examples of Georgian architecture. In addition, it is also a Gold Tier “Dark Sky.”
Let’s Get Going!
Well, technically you can, if you have a ton of time and money. The voyage can only be done on the RMS St. Helena which leaves from Cape Verde. The cost is a bit over $3200 for the cheapest cabin and takes about 18 days. That doesn’t take into account the time and money to get to Cape Verde in the first place. Safe to say, this little luxury will cost in the neighborhood of 4k. An airport is under construction which should make it more accessible, but for us simpletons, it remains forbidden.
Everyone has their own personal reasons for traveling. Some might be interested in ski places around the world or famous places where movies were filmed. As such, the number of ways one can be inspired to visit a certain place are limitless. Here is where I go to get a few ideas of where to go next.
This should come of no surprise. Despite the prestigious recognition, not all UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the beaten path. In fact, it is UNESCO’s ability to see value in an ultra popular site like the Great Wall on the same footing as an almost impossible to reach place like Papahanaumokuakea (mouthful isn’t it?) that makes this list so appealing to me. Read more →