Now that I have been doing this blog for 3 months (fine, I started mid February, but I would hate to remember that) it is time for an update. While I am not an expert in blogs, or website building, I didn’t start this blog just out of the blue. I did it with a goal and intent in mind, a “masterplan” if you will. However, as time progressed, I have found it necessary to modify some of the original plans (so much for ‘master’) to better fit the needs of my readers (all 5 of you) and my own physical limitations (explanations coming up). This is a no-frills (read: no pictures) list of the technical and stylistic updates since the inception of this site on Feb 13, 2013.

1) The website got its own domain in mid-March ( I thought it would help my credibility, and have seen more traffic since! It might also be that I have more posts to choose from, but either way, it was a good move. I thought of doing this much later, but I am impulsive sometimes.

2) The “Kingdom Animalia” series will be discontinued after its fourth picture on May 4th, 2013. Why? I hate it and it sucks!!! Just kidding. Actually, quite the contrary. Besides Unesco World Heritage Sites, I love to travel to see, and hopefully capture animals and plants with my camera. I have such a stockpile of what I think are worthy animal pictures that I feel the need to share more of them more frequently. But, let’s be honest, this didn’t really fit the overall theme of this website. Long story short, I have decided to launch a new website sooner than expected: While I wanted it to retain the “animalia,” that domain was taken!

and with that…
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