Episode #1 – Preparing for the Adventure of a Lifetime

I have been in New Zealand for roughly 10.5 months now (at time of posting, I am flying out today), and while my close friends have heard of my thoughts on the country and experience as a whole, I have purposefully refrained from almost all criticism or overoptimistic praise on this blog. I didn’t want to say something bad only to take it back later and visa versa, so I wanted to finish the whole experience before giving my two cents. This is a fair warning, I am going to be 100% brutally honest and this will not be yet another “WOW! OMG! I love NZ!” post or a hate rant. I am not going to talk about how many sheep are in the country (a lot) or how driving on the left is cool (it’s not that big of a deal really), because quite frankly, those things are stupid, completely unhelpful to know, and done to death. Read more →